

Meet The CuratorsIn-Portfolio Reviews for Visual Artists

Pro Arts invites visual artists to gain valuable feedback on their portfolios with 20-minute, one-on-one review sessions from prominent gallerists and curators at its 12th annual portfolio review. 

THE REVIEWERS (See below for full bios)

Virginia Fabbri Butera, PhD, Director of the Therese A. Maloney Art Gallery and Professor of Art History, Morristown, NJ
Lisa Dubois, Visual artist, independent curator and creative consultant, NYC
Josh Gosselin, Jazz drummer and independent curator, NYC
Katelyn Halpern, Multidisciplinary artist and founding Artistic Director of SMUSH Gallery, Jersey City, NJ
PE Pinkman, Artist, curator, and Executive Director and Curator at the Watchung Arts Center, NJ
Vida Sabbaghi, Cultural producer, Director of Exhibitions of 630 Flushing Ave. and Executive Director of COPE NYC
Anne Trauben, Visual artist, arts advocate, and Curator and Exhibitions Director at Drawing Rooms in Jersey City, NJ
Midori Yoshimoto, Professor of Art History and Gallery Director at New Jersey City University

Then & Now exhibition

Art Exhibition: All Pro Arts members were invited to submit work to the upcoming exhibit entitled Then and Now at the Watchung Arts Center. Curated by PE Pinkman, this exhibit presents work highlighting the evolution of the artists’ style, technique, and creative vision. Artists submitted pieces showcasing their growth and how their work has changed over time. Whether having a long career or just starting out, this exhibit presents the progress and development of their artistic journey.
PE Pinkman: Throughout his more than 45-year history as a contemporary artist, Mr. Pinkman has created a substantial oeuvre. His work has been shown in Lourve, Paris; World Trade Center, New York; Drawing Rooms, Jersey City; Monmouth Museum, Lindcroft; and the Watchung Arts Center, Watchung among others. His early connections with non-profit art communities established a lasting commitment to helping other artists. As a curator, he has been responsible for hundreds of exhibits of new and underrepresented artists. He is currently the Executive Director of the Watchung Arts Center.


Flora & Fauna – Exhibition

Juror’s Statement (Linda Streicher): The term, flora and fauna, identifies plants and animals associated within a particular region, environment, or period. The interdependence of plants and animals upon each other and their habitats to survive helps us appreciate life. It is no wonder that throughout the ages artists have depicted flora and fauna to express themes of time, renewal, decay, the environment, and humanity.

This exhibit coincides with the first day of spring, a time of hope and possibilities. It is also a time when we shake off the cold, reflect upon the past, and prepare for the future. The artists submitted work using flora and/or fauna to express their relationship with the natural world. The works can range from personal joy and beauty or communal awareness and fear.

This is an article that I wrote that try to explain the relation between the body and the territory.

“But our body feels that it is in a territory that is not its own, where it does not belong, simply that we do not belong there. The cities we inhabit, more than considering them a “non-place”, are spaces where our roots are altered, our identity has been modified, and is rationalized as belonging.”

Fragment of the article
English: Belonging & Territory 

Español: Pertenencia y territorio

Belonging & Territory has been published in Passing Notes issue #3

REVIVAL – post-pandemic visions

Art Exhibit

April 16 to May 22, 2022

Wednesdays and Saturdays from 1 – 3 or by appointment call Marina Carriera 908-764-6861

Opening Reception: April 24 from 2PM to 5PM  

“REVIVAL: Post-Pandemic Visions” bears witness to the ways our bodies, beliefs and brands have changed since the global COVID19 pandemic and provides testament to art as means for rebirth.

Art Fluent – TRUE BLUE

The color blue is the most universally appealing color on the spectrum. It can represent trust, loyalty, wisdom, confidence, and sensitivity. But it can also convey fragility, depression, impersonality, and even coldness. There was a time when the pigment blue was the rarest and most precious shade of all. Some artists even went into debt to use the color! With so many intriguing shades of blue carrying so many meanings and representations, TRUE BLUE is a vibrant display showcasing its timelessness.